DHL Express, the world’s leading provider of internationalexpress shipping services, has invested $5.3 million to relocateand expand its service center in Nashville, Tennessee. The moveaccommodates further anticipated e-commerce growth and the state’sthriving logistics and distribution industry.
Located at 1922 Old Murfreesboro Pike, Suite 570, the facilityis strategically situated near Nashville International Airport andis about 18,000 sq. ft. larger than its previous location. Theexpansion and addition of state-of-the-art equipment maximizesprocessing capabilities and enables earlier deliveries, ultimatelybenefiting international shippers in the greater Nashville marketand surrounding areas.
“The larger space has not only allowed us to keep up with thecurrent demand due to the rise in online shopping, but itaccommodates 10 years of growth capacity,” said Richard Saavedra,VP and General Manager of DHL Express, Southeast U.S. “Nashvillecontinues to be an attractive market for importers and exportersbecause of its central location in the U.S which provides easyaccess to global markets and growing trade opportunities.”
Providing 42,195 sq. ft. of total space, the larger servicecenter can accommodate a double line conveyor belt system. This hasallowed the facility’s more than 50 employees to work moreefficiently and has resulted in a 100 percent increase in sortingcapacity from the previous facility.
This new location also piloted the re-engineered MasterProduction Schedule (MPS) design to minimize warehouse squarefootage and improve the process flow for x-rays and inspections. Asa result, the sort capacity has doubled in the morning, and routeshave been able to leave the facility earlier, providing increasedefficiency and quicker deliveries.